Friday, March 21, 2008

A Letter to all Malays

I'm a Chinese guy. And the reason I'm writing this letter to all Malays is in view of the recent happenings in our nation. It's been a pretty crazy couple of weeks, hasn't it? There were ups and there were downs. Newfound hope, disappointments, and hope again. So, why am I writing this, you ask.

I wanna start by saying this; I view all Malays (and Indians and all other races) as my brothers and sisters. I love you like I would love my brothers. And I would not hesitate to take a bullet for anyone of you. A bit dramatic, I know, but spare me my moment =)

As a Chinese, I see and hear the woes of the minority races of this country. Newspapers and other mediums which are not in English or Bahasa are certainly more transparent about a lot of issues. Even now post elections, the mainstream papers such as the Star, NST and so on are still being very biased. just the other day I saw a cartoon mocking Guan Eng for not wanting to stay in the CM house to save on that 300k it would cost to fix it.

Now, we know that with the winds of change having blown so hard, lots of things have changed. A lot of Malays are worried and doubtful. "What if our rights are taken away?" they ask. Of course, once again, the mainstream media is not doing anything to help in this issue. Papers in the BM language especially are stirring up even more doubt. Political motives, no doubt. But I urge you to consider what I'm about to say.

The NEP is a major debate topic now. For so many years, it has been the 'accepted' way of doing things. It's been the paradigm of Malaysia. And everyone is told not to question it because questioning it would be challenging the Malays' rights and their supremacy and what not. Please hear this. We're not trying to challenge the Malays' rights. We are not trying to send them back to paddy fields and take over the land and step all over the other races, contrary to what many politically-motivated sources would say.

Has it benefited the Malays? In many cases, the policy has been a spoonfeeding one. Yes you got that right. I'm not afraid to say it. It's been a spoonfeeding one. Local universities, in 'protecting the Malay rights', are afraid of failing students. My own cousins have managed to get into certain local unis (through connections, I might add), and they have admitted this; "They can't fail us". It doesnt matter if you don't know much. It doesn't matter if you graduate as a professionally qualified accountant and don't know simple debits and credits. They can't fail us.

And yet another example. Proton. No offense meant, but let's examine it carefully. It's been carefully protected by the Govt all these years. The taxes imposed on imported cars are just ridiculous, all in the efforts of protecting our national car maker. We should take pride in our national car maker, should we not? But do we? Why do Germans take pride in their car makers and Russians in their rockets and Americans in their military, but we can;t take pride in our national car maker? Simply because after so many years, they still can't make a proper window that works perfectly well. If you ask me, it's all the protection that stopped them from being competitive. Do you teach a baby to walk by carrying him/her all the time? Do you teach a bird to fly by wrapping it in 2 pounds of bandages in case it falls? NO!

The spoonfeeding is a silent killer, don't you see? I'm not saying that the Malays are backward or anything, but I'm saying they can be more forward. Please don't think that abolishing the NEP will destroy your rights. It won't. There will be justice and fairness. Instead of spoonfeeding, you will have to work harder. But you will walk better and sooner you will fly.

Give the new Govts a chance. Let us once and for all put aside skin colour. I am a Chinese, and I can say I love the Malays. I love the Indians. I love all the other races. When can we start to see beyond skin colour? When will we learn that underneath that fair or dark skin lies a person who is not much different than us? I long to see a Malaysia of Malaysians, not Malays, Chinese and Indians. Don't believe everything the media says.




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Normally, countries protect the interest of the minority, not the majority which is the case in Malaysia. Imagine if there were only Malays in Malaysia, what will it be like today? Think of these two possibilities.
a)Will it be as developed today or will it be still be a backward third world country?

b)Who will be giving preferential treatment to the Malays?

The Malays in Malaysia should be happy that the immigrant population has helped the indigenious people develop the land and the economy to what it is today.

The Chinese people in Malaysia who have been disadvantaged for so long are much stronger than the Chinese in Singapore whereas the Malays in Singapore are also much stronger than those in Malaysia.

They are given the tools to fend for themselves and are not victimised, they are now living proudly as equal citizens in Singapore. However, in Malaysia, with the unequal treatment of the races, a very strong race and a very weak race is evolving. If the leaders are wise, they should wake up and change the whole discrimatory policies before it paralyse the race that it intends to protect.

Anonymous said...

Well, yea Proton has been too comfortable raking in money by giving us rubbish. But that aside I'll like to point out the lack of creativity in Proton. I dunno, they might have all the expertise and all but maybe the management sucks.
One thing about producing cars is that if you are going to make cars for the masses that are designed by accountants whose main priority are to cut as much cost as possible, make it reliable! Make everything work for a reasonable period of time. Do not worship the ridiculous gospel of accountants.
However, if Proton are not a bunch of accountants making cheap and unimaginative junks made with no passion, then they really are lacking in the technical department. If thats the case, then you either change your human resources manager or emulate Italian carmaker, Alfa. Alfa has a reputation of making cars that are unreliable, especially in the electronics department. However, why is there such passion for that particular car brand from all around the world? They call themself Alfistis and their Alfas as 'Bellas'. This is because although its not exactly reliable, Alfa makes cars with great designs and coupled with the trademark soundtrack from its engines, sheer driving bliss. They are proud of owning an ALfa. Can anyone truly say that they're proud of owning a Proton? Haha, I believe they all got a Proton because they are the cheapest cars thrown at them.

However I can say that I'm glad that Proton seems to be moving in the right direction recently. In collaboration with Lotus they had produced they're very own engine which we can be proud of. Its the Campro CPS. In fact, the original Campro was rubbish. Glad they've finally made an engine with technologies the Japanese had developed since the 80's lol.

Starmandala said...

Let's not be afraid to use strong words. Observing the behavior of Umno-BN over the last few decades - especially since Mahathir rose to power in 1981 - I would not hesitate to describe BN politics as EVIL. They are evil because they preach hate and spread fear - that's how they have cowed the masses into docile silence while they rape and pillage the nation's wealth for the benefit of a few 'lanun' families. In this respect they are only following the bad examples of their counterparts in the UK and US. Since March 8th 2008 I have been so proud to be a Malaysian. Why? We have used Makkal Sakhti to knock the BN down to size and ushered in a bright new era where racial politics will no longer be the norm. But in the UK and US the people continue to be led by the nose, believing themselves to be free. Let's make a success of People Power here and show our western brethren how to overthrow tyranny the non-violent way!

Anonymous said...

hey mate,

can't you stop PING many times?

it's so annoying when you always PING the same topic everyday. or do you need some guide about PING ethic?

get some life laaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Alan Wong said...

And we also hope to see our Malaysian Football improve its rankings which stands at 161 in the world now...

Anonymous said...


The reason I've pinged this post a few times is because I want more people to read it (due to the nature, the posts get refreshed very fast) and also to post comments. That's all :)