Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It Starts With You and Me

Lots of talk is going around now about corruption. In fact, such talk has been on everyone’s lips for the past few years. Ever since Our PM Abdullah Badawi pledged to fight corruption, corruption has been a hot topic. Accusations have been flying around, with the public bombarding the government with blistering accusations and condemnations, and the government blatantly denying any and all such statements.

Just recently, the stories of the Malaysian version of the “Desperate Housewives” hit the news. The Balkis RM 9.9m, while perhaps not absconded, was definitely abused. The stories of these wives going globe-trotting with the funds supposedly donated for charity probably aroused a lot of anger amongst the public. “Yet another case of BN corruption,” they say.

Stories of an ex-Finance Minister transferring RM 42 billion out of the country have also been flying around. Not to forget all those high value projects which appear to be mere ‘excuses’ for money to be wrongfully distributed to people who need political payoffs. Land transfer deals. Sky high purchase prices for everyday items like stationery and cameras. The list goes on.

However, I do believe that we’ve overlooked one very key area; us. We point out the government’s corruption but we forget about ourselves. Small amounts, you say? It takes small amounts to make up large amounts. Lets have a hypothetical example.

Let’s say 1,000 people a day pay a bribe of RM 50 to cops to avoid getting summoned. Assuming just a 5 day working week, that amounts to RM 250,000 a week or RM 13,000,000 a year.

And let’s assume another 1,000 people pay a RM 200 bribe to ‘buy’ a driving licence every week. That amounts to another RM 10,400,000.

Just those two add up to RM 23,400,000 a year. And that’s just an estimation, not including other kinds of ‘small’ corruption we indulge in. My point is this; how can we be condemning others when we ourselves are actively involved in our country’s corruption? Yeah, maybe it doesn’t run up to billions. Maybe we’re not stealing taxpayers’ money. But one thing’s for sure, we’re a part of this major industry called corruption.

The police has been voted as one of the least reputable institutions when it comes to corruption. But do we only blame the people who ask for bribes? Don’t the people who PAY them have a part to play? Of course we do! The next time you think of paying a bribe so your kid can pass his/her driving test, think again! Let’s not be pots calling the kettle black!

It starts with you and me. Small gestures like this count. When we, the lay people, make a stand, it counts. The recent elections proved this beyond all doubt! We, the rakyat, CAN make a difference. It doesn’t matter if we’re not in high governmental posts. It doesn’t matter if we don’t have armies or tones of funds to achieve objectives for us. When you and I make the right decision, it makes a difference.

For once, instead of convenience, choose to do what’s right. If our bosses are asking us to do something illegal, to ‘cook the books’, let’s choose not to do it. If we get stopped for speeding, let’s choose to pay the fine and not fuel corruption.

Do you think we can change the nation, change the world? Oh I’m convinced we can. It’s not too difficult after all. It starts with you and me.


cow said...

My ''sorta first ex'' you- know-who name need not mention

actually bribe rm550 to pass her driving test.

go advice her first.

Ken said...

Hmm I don't know where your 2nd comment went, I clicked publish but it got lost =/

Anyway, I know about what u just said. A lot of things have changed since then. Like seriously, a LOT lol. U shd try talking to her now see for yourself.

And on to what you said in your 2nd comment. Yes brothels are everywhere. Yes escorts are everywhere. It's also true there is demand for them. Does that make it right?

I may have mentioned before. People are now researching the possibility that wife-beating and alcoholism and paedophilea is 'inborn'. That means sometime in the future, we may hear that 'it's ok to beat your wife if you're born like that'. Does that make all that right? No. Definitely, downright NO.

So you say that a husband and wife for example, may not be able to fulfill each other's needs. So that's why they go out looking for escorts. I find that to be true, but terribly sad. What's a marriage if you can't communicate?

In our society we've seen almost every institution crumble and break down, be it love, marriage, family. I'd believe that a lot of that is because of selfishness. We love for what we can get rather than what we can give.

You say (and probably many people will agree) that love is subjective. Is it? Can I beat up my wife cuz I get sexual pleasure from it and call it love? Or is that just plain old perversion? Can I sleep around with anyone and everyone and call it love?

Where did commitment vanish to in our world?

I do not condemn Sufiah or any other escorts. The demand is as much to blame as the supply, if not even more.

I am a man. And I resolve to never go to a hooker simply because my wife can't 'satisfy' me. I believe in communication. I believe in commitment. Yes, I still believe in the institution of marriage and the institution of family.

How many will stand with me?

cow said...

haha, blogspot went crazy.

I will talk to her when i have the time. damn, I havent got the time to even meet any of my close friends for the past few months.It's crazy! I used to hang out till past midnight now I can't find the energy to do that anymore.

I am currently friendless. My friends are my clients. Its either I spend time with my gf,family, or stay home and read stuff.LOL

I won't say that wife beating etc is right. But the US scientist are carrying out research on it. they study the mind of a criminal and abusive people.

I think abusive people is how they were being brought up, or it could be anger management. I used to have that, hate that side of me. It took me a some time to change, change wasn't easy.

I had a abusive gf from canada, glad i got out of it. She totally ruined my life for the past one year. It is sad that there are people out there acting that way, but this is who they are and you can't change them unless they want change for themselves.

I am not agreeing with people selling their body for money.But I am able to look at it with an open mind, at least like i said, they dont steal,rob and kill which is much worse.

some guys dont visit brothels. They get a misstress! How many guys are able to stay away from the lure of seduction? maybe 1 outta 10.

So hmm the arguement about ''communication'' still stands huh? why bother staying together if both party can't comminucate? see, when a relationship gets older, there's always less fun,less excitement,less this,less that,the girl gets fatter, the girl gets less appealing.. that is when people starts searching for ''fun'' elsewhere.

they can be the best dad in the world, best husband, but they are cheaters! I hate to say this but human are superficial even when they say they are not.

how do u expect one to communicate with another when the man wants sex but the lady insist on no?? probably she's just not into sex at all..

When anyone needs sex, they need it. You can't stop soemeone from needing sex. If they don't get it, they'll feel frustrated for sure. Maybe once you try it you'll understand sex better =) (assume you haven't)

communication and commitment is not as easy as it sounds. Right now, you have a stand that you won't be a cheating husband/bf... but as you grow older your perspective, your view, your needs may change accordingly.

i dont know. maybe you have a strong mind, but im just stating the common cycle in most men's behaviour.

even woman!

cow said...

another thing

I don't know if anyone would rather pay rm150 for a summon or pay rm10.

wouldn't you pay rm10?


as for me, i dont bribe, i just talk my way out of it when i get caught by police for not wearing safety belt, or talking on the phone, or crossing red light.

if i get a speeding ticket i'll just pay. When i get a parking summon i'll appeal and pay rm30.when I get a written not printed police parking summon i just ignore it and tear it away

i am still able to renew my license and road tax. funny huh how malaysian system works.

Ken said...

Haha no one ever said commitment is easy. And communication either. I've been told that the hardest thing to deal with in life is relationships. Whether its friendships or business relationships or romance. It's the hardest and I agree.

But I do not believe that just because it's difficult, we are absolved of all responsibility. If a husband and wife can't talk about sex, that's just plain sad. After all, sex is an extension of communication.

The breakdown of communication between humans is really quite appalling, but that's the world we live in today. Standards, however, never change. We are still responsible for our actions. If I do something stupid like get drunk and impregnate someone, I should take responsibility.

Likewise, if a man goes out to a mistress just cuz he can't get along with his wife, or because she's flabby and old, well my only comment is he's an idiot. That's no excuse at all. What are wedding vows for? Are they like playground rules which everyone just ignores?

Haha probably one of the best tests of love is time. It's a challenge isn't it, staying with someone till you're both old and wrinkled. How many people can do that today? But here's the thing; if a husband and wife can grow old together, and still love each other, that's true love.

That's why I do not believe love and lust are the same. I don't believe having a mistress is love. A one night stand is not even close to what love really is. Incidentally, the bible does say that there is no greater love than being willing to lay down one's life for someone else.

How many of us can? How many of us would die for someone else? Would a man die for his mistress or a woman for her illicit lover? Sad how love has been contorted and distorted to the form it has now. There is no love without commitment.

I read in a book somewhere once about this old couple. They used to leave sweet messages around the house for each other up to the day they died. It could be in a sugar jar or on the fridge door or anywhere. Little surprises to show each other they cared and still loved one another.

What's our excuse today? Too busy? Too tired? Too stressed? Too lazy? Wife not attractive? Husband smells bad?

Try a little communication =)

P.S: This is turning to be quite a long discussion isn't it? =p