Friday, September 12, 2008

Why Don't You Arrest Me too?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about Raja Petra's arrest under ISA. Yep, they finally arrested the old guy.

To our dear narrowly-elected Government, do you really think arresting RPK will stop the movement of change? There's a saying that goes something like "If you want to kill a snake, cut off its head". That sure doesn't apply in this situation. You can bet your comfy Cabinet posts on it. Arresting him does not stop Malaysia Today. Arresting him does not stop the general public from disliking you.

In fact, arresting him stirs up a fresh wave of hatred for you. Even if Anwar's September 16 or 20 takeover never materialises, you'll be kicked out next elections anyway.

Or maybe you think that the people will be so inflamed against you that they will take to the streets, giving you an opportunity to declare a state of emergency. If that's the case, you don't realise that the general public will not stoop to violence or anything stupid. Even if there are protests and rallies, huge as they may be, THIS IS NOT ZIMBABWE.

You cannot stop the change movement. You cannot stop the winds of change anymore than you can stop an earthquake. Both of these have one thing in common. They are both acts of God. If it be God's will that you be thrown out of office, then you will be thrown out of office. Whether you go gracefully or in a self-humiliating way, that's your choice.

Arresting RPK changes nothing. We the people know your lies and your corruption. We know your schemes and your dastardly ploys. We know you for the snake that you are. So why don't you come arrest us too, if you're so intent on "keeping the peace"? Go ahead and arrest every single Malaysian who wants change. Go arrest every Malaysian who stands for justice.

I'm one of them too.


Starmandala said...

Bravo, Ken! Rousing words. I share your sentiments exactly. However, is it necessary to label RPK "an old guy"? He's about my age - and I certainly don't feel "old" - just more mature than I was on 16 September 1963 when I was in Form Two! :-)

teemortai said...

We've been keepin' a vigil for our comrades... there's one in DAP HQ as we stand alongside, arm in arm (with the rest of the PR coalition members who will be there as well) with YB TKSS, and remember THC as well. Let's lock arms together for our three friends in detention!

Ken said...

Well, they've released the reporter. Makes you wonder if they were gonna hold her only for a short while, why ISA right?

But we are thankful she has been released. Our prayers for Teresa Kok and RPK.

I read many blog posts last night and today regarding this. Many people were upset. Some sad, some angry. But take hope, dear friends. It is always darkest before the dawn.

teemortai said...

The government is trying to strike panic and fear among the people who dare to speak up and report the truth, which obviously is not in their favor. LGE, after the upper room meeting with all the DAP leaders in our HQ released a press statement, claiming that this is a political persecution against DAP.

The thing is, no one knows where she is, as she is still held up in an unidentified ('mysterious') location. i pray there will not be so foolish as to try to do anything on her.

LGE also said in the party's press statement, that they will not let go of Teresa... and they will also not let the government go (just like that). We might have to go through a lot of 'purging' before we see justice and truth upheld. Let us all be prepared for it when it comes.